Recent content by ss99013

  1. Open Request [櫻坂46公式] サクコイ

    Game Name: [櫻坂46公式] サクコイ Google Play Store Link: APK Link:櫻坂46公式-サクコイ/ Cheat Requested: AUTO WIN Have you tried any cheat engines?: No -> I don't have any modding experience
  2. PMT FREE MOD [櫻坂46公式] サクコイ ver. 1.1.8 MOD MENU APK | HIGH ATTACK

    Sorry I don't want to spam. I try different version, injector and signed apk Both versions have a high probability of not being able to complete the stage in 1 turn. I've even encountered a situation where I couldn't complete more than 20 turn.
  3. Outdated 欅坂46・日向坂46 UNI'S ON AIR ver. 4.2.0 MOD MENU APK ALWAYS TAP PERFECT

    thank you. But 3.5.1 force update is coming in JP time 1700... so, need to mod it again:pepe021:
  4. Outdated 欅坂46・日向坂46 UNI'S ON AIR ver. 4.2.0 MOD MENU APK ALWAYS TAP PERFECT

    There is a chance that it will not work, but if you try to restart the game, it will be back to normal.
  5. Outdated 欅坂46・日向坂46 UNI'S ON AIR ver. 4.2.0 MOD MENU APK ALWAYS TAP PERFECT

    thank you for the update But after click the download link it show no file.