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  1. Help! Skip in-game Ads

    Hi, Online game (like Sonic Forces & Football Strike) which grant you REWARDS for watchings ADS. Was anyone able to mod the apk so that you skip watching the ad but still get rewarded?
  2. Open Request Is It Love? Matt - Bad Boy

  3. Solved Updating Modded games

    Hey, I have a modded apk of a game, but the game updated & it forces me to update.. so I can't use the out-of-date modded APK. Can I somehow mod the new version of the game by using the files of the older modded version? Maybe transfer the mod files & edit the smali code? I've tried this but...
  4. Help! Modding without PC

    Hey, is there a way to dump il2cpp without using pc? maybe a python script? I noticed that within the il2cppDumper folder, there are .py files, which means the program uses pytjon scripts (same with il2CppInspector) can i somehow port the il2cpp dump feature using those files... to the...