Not Working Death Road to Canada v1.8.1 MOD APK

Just copy/reference the code from DShotgun and make shellcount to negative (you're welcome)
As for the max fuel for chainsaw is quite complicated...

As for now... I'm modding the chances of finding rare trades/location/events
I managed to modify rare events to occur more frequently and rare chara appear in buildings but I can't seem to modify the rare trades🤔
As for the max fuel for chainsaw is quite complicated...

As for now... I'm modding the chances of finding rare trades/location/events
I managed to modify rare events to occur more frequently and rare chara appear in buildings but I can't seem to modify the rare trades🤔
Big bro youre a god, too bad i dont know anything about coding, can you tell me when you will finish that? Ill do my best to save a spare to buy it XD
Big bro youre a god, too bad i dont know anything about coding, can you tell me when you will finish that? Ill do my best to save a spare to buy it XD
As soon as I'll figure it out, I will notify it here ... Also, I don't need that much money hahaha (just a little, and I would appreciate anything if it comes from the heart)
As soon as I'll figure it out, I will notify it here ... Also, I don't need that much money hahaha (just a little, and I would appreciate anything if it comes from the heart)
Also I'm just a struggling college student I'm not worthy if the title "Big Bro" hahahah
How about events and location?
I've coded that too and In theory it should work... I'm still in trial and error part of it

1st issue is that rare buildings appear later in game
2nd issue is that only rare trading camps will appear and I didn't coded the food and fuel mod in the special trading camp
3rd issue sometimes rainbow events appear when you click drive more in ABL events
I've coded that too and In theory it should work... I'm still in trial and error part of it

1st issue is that rare buildings appear later in game
2nd issue is that only rare trading camps will appear and I didn't coded the food and fuel mod in the special trading camp
3rd issue sometimes rainbow events appear when you click drive more in ABL events
I like more challenge especially in endless mode so i always pick rainbow events
I just added One Punc Man into the game hahahaha



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day 10 month 05 working jrptt [mw] - valentina ^_^
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