Help! How to hook a method with a parameter of PhotonMessageInfo?


Platinian On Fire
Hi, this is the method I'm trying to hook...

void OnRequestRespawn(PhotonPlayer, PhotonMessageInfo)

Previously it used to be like this...

void OnRequestRespawn(PhotonPlayer)

I was able to use it fine in the last update no problems, but now they've added this extra parameter and I've no clue what it does or how to use it. Thanks.
I don't understand the " on request respawn "
struct PhotonMessageInfo
    int  timestamp;
    std::uintptr_t sender;
    void *view;

void (*RoomMaster_OnRequestRespawn)(void *instance, void *player, PhotonMessageInfo Info);

PhotonMessageInfo info = {0, PhotonNetwork_get_player(), NULL};
RoomMaster_OnRequestRespawn(instance, PhotonPlayer, info);

Which part is confusing you?
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