Recent content by Abdullah1433

  1. Help! Is there any tutorial on How to mod a game or a thorough tutorial on how to use IDA Pro

    Hello I am a new modder and I know pretty much about how to mod games and simple dll games now stepping forward I wanted to learn how to mod games with no metadata type 3 APK and games with games so I wanted to ask where i could learn that from...??????? My Second Question...
  2. Solved Please Reply!!! I Need help modding armeabi v7a... HAYDAY

    As a new modder, I've had success with offline and IL2CPP games, but modding online game HAYDAY is tough. No IL2CPP file, biggest file is 32 MB in armeabi v7a folder. I don't know what to do next in this case since I can't find the files that I was modding before... Please Help me out...