Recent content by Acep97

  1. Private Server 游戏登录 H5 Ver. 9.8 Private Server | CN only | RECHARGE BALANCE 9999999 CNY | NOT EVEN 0.000001 USD TO SPEND

    If you want the web version (Way more stable and not much lag compared to Mobile)
  2. Paid Request ROK Chinese Private Server

    Feel free to reach out to me on Discord, Akame#2373 - willing to pay $200 Looking to hire someone to figure out how the Chinese have figured out how to do the following (They have kept the method very discreet and upon them) : Instant March Godmode/Defense Multiplier??? Attack Multiplier Can...
  3. Tutorial Bypassing games: A HACKING MEGATHREAD.

    Is there a way to contact you directly or message you?
  4. Help! Looking to hire a modder

    Looking and offering $50 to whomever can figure out how to do the hack damage with Game Guardian or whatever it may be, feel free to add Akame#2373 in discord. It is possible, Chinese do it all the time on this private server. All I've been able to do is Red HP, and 2bil marches compared to the...
  5. Private Server Mu Origin Ver. 7 Private Server | Rufian MU Mobile | True F2P | 6 Years Online | Free vip 15

    I will give this a shot, haven't played MU in literally years and forgotten alot.
  6. Outdated Gauntlet Idle: AFK RPG Ver. 0.1.37 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | God Mode | Experience Multiplier | Gold Multiplier

    You need to disable the gold when wanting to spend it... not that difficult..