Recent content by cutepolarbear

  1. Tutorial How to root Virtual Master & install Xposed

    odd, I have latest lucky patcher on android 7.1.2 SU, definitely rooted. after clicking on patch to android (before reaching options selections page), it just have dialog of Please wait..., and hangs there forever. (there's also brief popup saying Super user granted to (random LP install name)).
  2. Tutorial How to root Virtual Master & install Xposed

    does lucky patcher (patch to android) work on this? I have android 7.1.2 SU, but it hangs on waiting dialog after selecting patch to android. thanks.
  3. Outdated Not Enough Dungeons Ver. 1.1.2 MOD Menu APK | Unlimited Money

    I like this one. Type your own mod features. :)
  4. Outdated Zombie Horde Mod APK | 7 VIP Features | Horde Pass | Immortal | One Hit

    thank you for mod. once you get to a certain stage, it asks you to download update. But seems like it can't download update?
  5. Outdated Kingdom Warrior - IDLE RPG Ver. 2.2.0 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold

    thanks for mod. (unrelated, recently been seeing this same game in playstore under multiple different publishers / names.). I believe values could be modified directly via GG, at least other versions I tried.
  6. PMT FREE MOD Metal ContraS: Soldiers Squad Ver. 2.3 MOD APK | GOD MODE | REMOVE POP UP ADS

    thank you. never could beat this game as a kid, lets see if I can finally beat it now with mod.
  7. Not Working Into the Dead 2: Unleashed v2.04.0 MOD APK

    same. can't start game stuck on loading data, on emulator or Galaxy S20.
  8. PMT FREE MOD Elemental World Ver. 2.0.1 MOD Menu APK | God Mode | Unlimited MP

    odd, anyone know how does unlimited energy (currency) work with this mod?
  9. Shared [Tested] Robotek v2.10.6 MOD APK

    great game. (nice old game). thank you for the mod.
  10. PMT FREE MOD Medieval Merge: Epic Adventure Ver. 1.62.0 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold | Unlimited Diamonds

    weird, recent update, can't seem to install anymore in VMOS, didn't have problem with previous updates. anyone have similar problem? thanks.
  11. Outdated Fight Legends: Fighting Arena Ver. 1.7.2 MOD MENU | DUMB ENEMY | DAMAGE MULTIPLIER | DEFENSE MULTIPLIER

    energy does continue to increase on display, but at some point, it shows error dialogue not enough energy for PvE. (maybe it's doing a server side check?)
  12. Outdated Ninja Village Full Ver. 2.1.1 Mod Menu Apk | Unlimited Money, Unlock All Items, Troop, Status, SuperSpeed

    wow, thank you @XYGN . Love Kairosoft games.This is awesome, mod menu inside the game menu.
  13. Not Working Epic Merge Heroes - Idle RPG Ver. 1.1.0 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold

    game canceled and game servers were closed by developer a while ago.