Recent content by dchen23

  1. Outdated 怪物彈珠 - RPG手機遊戲 Ver. 26.1.0 Mod Menu [Dumb Enemy | Damage Multiplier | Always perfect shot | Unlimited Strike Attack usage]

    Hi Sir, thanks for adding 2 new features. I use the "signed" version. But every time when I go into a battle, the game crashes. Every feature is OFF when I go into the battle and I tried on 3 different phones, all crashes when I go into a battle. Thanks so much
  2. Outdated 怪物彈珠 - RPG手機遊戲 Ver. 26.1.0 Mod Menu [Dumb Enemy | Damage Multiplier | Always perfect shot | Unlimited Strike Attack usage]

    @Yaskashije Thanks for the update! greatly appreciated. - Damage multiplier: works good - dumb enemy: not working. thanks again