Recent content by divine2aura

  1. Tutorial How to decrypt an encrypted .dll file with GDB gcore (Root only)

    the file size is 1gb+ and of course the game is based on unity. I had been dumped the game more than 1x and the files size are different..
  2. Tutorial How to decrypt an encrypted .dll file with GDB gcore (Root only)

    Thanks for tut. But, When i've been recovery my file with winhex and i'm not got any .dll files..or is it posible to the game is unmodable even so you already dump the memory? Sorry for bad english :(
  3. Tutorial How to decrypt an encrypted .dll file with GDB gcore (Root only)

    Thanks for the tutorial. But i have something problem "Can't execute: permissions denied" while execute "gdb -pid xxxx" . Can u help me?