Recent content by Dynarenji

  1. Open Request Pokémon Masters EX

  2. AWAITING UPDATE 白猫プロジェクト Ver.5.1.1 MOD MENU APK [Damage & Defense Multiple]

    why i ask for update because new character don't have their skill and the skill explanation said "please update to use the skill"
  3. Outdated BrownDust2 Adventure RPG Ver. 1.46.9 MOD MENU APK | Damage & Defense Multiplier | Enemies Always Miss | Move Speed Multiplier

    be careful for anyone that gonna login using guest account, your account can't be linked becasue of the error
  4. Outdated BrownDust2 Adventure RPG Ver. 1.46.9 MOD MENU APK | Damage & Defense Multiplier | Enemies Always Miss | Move Speed Multiplier

    is there a way to link our account to google? it's always failed and my account is too lucky to get erased
  5. Filled Request ブルーアーカイブ

    ah yeah i already VIP member there, but here is more cheaper and can use 3 device at once so i hope they able to make VIP in here