Recent content by E-A-7

  1. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    I’m so mad because a lot of people using this hack to show off on Facebook and plug now DR team gonna to ban us I knew I shouldn’t clear lvl 200 floors but I saw a lot of people doing it so I did the same I got 31 cp on my main I’m not gonna to play again if I got ban this is shit anyway no pve...
  2. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    update bro i need to hack stages with that ugly gay new char ahahaah
  3. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    @G-Bo ッ hi i got a lot of crash with the cheat im on ios 13.4.1 with check ra1n iphone 7 i crash like more than 10 time in a day thanks anyway for your work !!!
  4. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    the game crash a lot i think its because of the cheat or ?? i mean its crashing a looot like 10 times in a day idk
  5. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    hi i have a issue i cant see the texte on the game down left corner cuz of texte.... how can i remove it or reduce the texte color thanks
  6. Outdated [JB iOS 14 ✔] Darkness Rises Adventure RPG Ver. 1.56.1 MOD Menu | High Damage | High Defense | No Skill CD

    @G-Bo ッ update please thanks a lot for all your cheats you making really its insane !!!!!
  7. Outdated [JB iOS 15 ✔] BLEACH Brave Souls Ver. 14.5.11 MOD Menu | God Mode | Weak Enemies | Unlimited Soulbombs |

    can you please allow the hack to be actived when the game is already started cuz ppl dont wait 11s or more on epic raids.....
  8. Outdated [JB iOS 15 ✔] BLEACH Brave Souls Ver. 14.5.11 MOD Menu | God Mode | Weak Enemies | Unlimited Soulbombs |

    Hi , can you do auto update on cheats like i**G***?? They do it on some cheats idk if it's to much work anyway thanks a lot really , I hate spend money or time on mobile games it's so a wast !!!