Recent content by elka94

  1. Outdated Great Conqueror 2: Shogun v1.1.0 MOD APK

    when you enter the game turn off your wifi and you'll be able to play it normally if you want to access the shop turn wifi back on click on shop and asap turn wifi off
  2. Shared [Tested] Crashlands: Story-driven Crafting ARPG Ver. 100.0.119 MOD APK | Unlimited Money

    huh so what exatly is the mod here ? because only some ressources are infinite not all of them
  3. Outdated Transformers: Earth Wars Ver. MOD Menu APK | Damage & Defense Multipliers & much more!

    thanks man would love you to join my alliance if you are interested ofc follow me back if you are
  4. Outdated Transformers: Earth Wars Ver. MOD Menu APK | Damage & Defense Multipliers & much more!

    i personally am in search of 2 active members (that have the mod menu ofc) to complete the weekly alliance raids, if interested please send a friend request on my account in please
  5. Outdated Transformers: Earth Wars Ver. MOD Menu APK | Damage & Defense Multipliers & much more!

    where can the mod menu be used besides the story mode ? can we use it in pvp ? and in special individual events ? i know we can't use it in alliance war because you'll be caught and banned but what avout pvp and special individual events please i need guidance for the usage of the menu (thanks...