Recent content by GamerUprise

  1. Help! How to Hook "m_name" field name?

    Any chance I would be able to call an enum class and return the int value from it? Trying to use the same method I did with the other one, but the game crashes as soon as it loads halfway onto level. bool unlimitedAmmoToggle; int weaponOwner, bulletCounter, currentAmmo, maxAmmo; void...
  2. Help! How to Hook "m_name" field name?

    It did help me, thank god after 5 days of searching and testing somehow I manage to find this and then you posted it lol.
  3. Help! How to Hook "m_name" field name?

    How would you be able to modify different classes within the same hook? Because I have a class with no update hook in it, and it's using 2 ints that are Field Offsets. Update Hook Offset: (Class Name - WeaponInterface) // Token: 0x06002E73 RID: 11891 RVA: 0x0000209A File Offset: 0x0000029A...