Recent content by Hamdh616

  1. Filled Request Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    H Finally.. some words.. just asked a simple question.. whether you guys are or are not seeing these post. If so, why ain't any body giving an update on the request. This thread is not about money.. people need to know whether anybody's even working on a mod, if no, we all can carry on with...
  2. Filled Request Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    I heard this game is very difficult to mod.. so many had tried and failed to crack.. guess **************** guys have good hackers..
  3. Filled Request Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    2 updates of the game.. still no mod.. I guess it's not gonna happen in here.. sad that nobody gives hope for this..
  4. Filled Request Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    This is the reason why people don't get VIP...
  5. Filled Request Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    "****************" guys have created a mod for this game. Its on VIP now.. We need one soon..