Recent content by imls01245

  1. Tutorial ARM64 Unity String Function Hooking LGL Menu

    How to hook String field offset using that code aka monoString?
  2. Tutorial ARM64 Unity String Function Hooking LGL Menu

    does it work on lgl 2.9 and games that have armaebi-v7
  3. Tutorial Basic Hooking Tutorial

    Solved, nothing wrong from the code
  4. Tutorial Basic Hooking Tutorial

    Pls help how to hook void bool value like this: // RVA: 0x66050C Offset: 0x66050C VA: 0x66050C public static void set_DoubledGems(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x6610E4 Offset: 0x6610E4 VA: 0x6610E4 private void Update() { } I tried to hook this using this code: bool DoubleGems = false; void...
  5. Tool Tools Decryption and Encryption LUA & LUAC Files to Modded Cocos2dlua Games

    Help me!! I dont know what encyption is this.