Recent content by iopo1234

  1. modding 공부하시는분?

    Yes, it is illegal. But as long as it's not on a big scale, it's fine.
  2. Solved How to Modify mod menu

    I want to modify the mod menu that is already made. After decompile of apk, Please let me know which file should be opened in Android studio to modify the mod menu.
  3. modding 공부하시는분?

    같이 정보나누면서 공부하실분 있나요?
  4. 한국인 계시나요?

    ㅋㅋ 궁금
  5. Outdated Arena of Valor / AOV (KR) / 펜타스톰 Ver. MOD Menu APK | Map Hack | 60 FPS Mode | Drone View |

    When log in, the 펜타스톰 app turns off... plz 펜타스톰 vip support... plz..