Recent content by Jester46

  1. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    @ObioneKizaru Hello! Do you want to play together as a team? My UID: 4475910585
  2. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    @JokerArt 1.68.10 please🥺 Advance Happy New Year
  3. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    I encounter a problem using this cheat, I can't damage my enemy when we are close to each other
  4. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    @JokerArt New free fire 1.68.5... ESP Name, Yellow Line, Loot area is not working.. Auto Headhot does not work on outfit Money Heist and Scarlet Bundle..
  5. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    ❌Hacked Failed❌ for activating Head Antenna.. But it does not bother me because i don't use it:face08:
  6. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    Yes, that's what i used, Android 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 right? To deactivate u need to click the red one, but it says ❌Hacked Failed❌ only in ESP NAME + LOOT AREA + INVISIBLE GLOO WALL feature..
  7. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    Android Ver. 10 i have problem Deactivating ESP NAME + LOOT AREA + INVISIBLE GLOO WALL.. it always says ❌Hacked Failed❌.. Deactivating AUTO HEADSHOT + ARM ANTENNA have no problem thou..
  8. Outdated Free Fire Ver. 1.98.1 MOD MENU APK | NPC NAME | ANTENNA HEAD | ANTI BANNED | NO ADS

    What do you mean by that? I played 100 total games in Battle Royale Rank Mode and a total of 30 games in Clash Squad Rank Mode and i haven't encountered 00.00 Matchmaking..