Recent content by montana66

  1. Tutorial How to backup/export split APK (App bundles) (NO root & root)

    its not complicated bro, you just need to drag and drop the lib into the file thats all and sign it. You can ignore the split config apk, i am talking about the lib you found inside data/app/<package name> let me see about the other games where you have to merge. A tool would be awesome though haha
  2. Tutorial How to backup/export split APK (App bundles) (NO root & root)

    Just drag and drop the lib folder into the APK, then signed it if you want for nonroot. Idk if its the correct way to do it but it worked for me :), if its arm64 lib folder just rename it to the correct arch arm64-v8a
  3. Tutorial How to backup/export split APK (App bundles) (NO root & root)

    ok it was a dumb question, its easy
  4. Tutorial How to backup/export split APK (App bundles) (NO root & root)

    Thanks, is there any way to then make it a single apk again?
  5. Help! What sort of cheat detection is this

    one i gave the link above, the other is "tanks alot"game.
  6. Help! What sort of cheat detection is this

    No any useful information in the LOGS i have checked and the game does not crash it simple freezes/stuck. Also i am sure i am modding the correct function since the game was hackable before, there is something the DEVs are implementing that we do not know yet.
  7. Help! What sort of cheat detection is this

    There are games with such cheat detections that were hackable before, so i know exactly what i am modding but it freezes, doesn't crash. Just gets stuck. The hard part is i have no clue what it causing it, the logs can't seem to throw something useful either from where i can start debugging...
  8. Help! What sort of cheat detection is this

    The game just freezes where the MOD should work. For example, if I make the player god mode, the game will freeze right when the enemy attacks you. I tried nopping some anti-cheat but i doubt that is what is causing it here example of such game - Battle Hunger: Heroes of Blade & Soul - Action...
  9. Tutorial Unity camera modding

    are u talking about hololfield? get it
  10. Solved Dump IL2CPP Manuel

    Dude, i am able to dump the game with the latest version which i mentioned above. Probably you didn't try other methods and gave up after you got the first error. or try version 4.2.5 that also works. Choose 1 when it gives you the option whether the unity version is greater or equal to 2018.3...
  11. Solved Dump IL2CPP Manuel

    very easy, you need this version 4.5.11 to dump those files. Input version name 2019.1 or 2019.2
  12. Help! How to mod such games?

    thanks for you reply, i am trying to mod thor war of tapnarok but there is no that folder you are talking about download/realphone