Recent content by NoPref

  1. Help! Can i hook this function?

    Do i need also hook this method? // Token: 0x06003223 RID: 12835 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253 [Token(Token = "0x6003223")] [Address(RVA = "0xC43EEC", Offset = "0xC43EEC", VA = "0xC43EEC")] public void Apply() { It`s in the same file as "AddAmount"
  2. Help! Can i hook this function?

    I'm not sure I can hook it, because i found out it's probably a server function (It's in the Bolt.Dll file)
  3. Help! Can i hook this function?

    // Token: 0x0600321E RID: 12830 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253 [Token(Token = "0x600321E")] [Address(RVA = "0xC441B4", Offset = "0xC441B4", VA = "0xC441B4")] public void AddCurrency(int currencyId, float amount) { }
  4. Help! ByNameModding

    Can someone tell me how I can replace this using ByNameModding if (player) { if (!ptr) ptr = * (void **)((uint64_t) player + 0xAC); }
  5. Solved Hooking

    I found what i did wrong. I'm need to use 0xAC pointer instead of 0xA8, Also can somebody give me example on how to use ByNameModding library?
  6. Solved Hooking

    I'm trying to make a Silent Aim for standoff 2, but when I try to hook the PlayerController and get a player offset, the game crashes on loading the map I think this code causes crashes if (player) { if (!ptr) ptr = * (void **)((uint64_t) player +...