Recent content by ompocong69

  1. Not Working The Walking Dead: Our World Ver. MOD MENU APK | No struggle | No Spread | No recoil

    Got it to work (able to install). Just recently found your guide on Xposed Framework. Much appreciated :tumbsup:
  2. Not Working The Walking Dead: Our World Ver. MOD MENU APK | No struggle | No Spread | No recoil

    Understood. I will try your suggestion. In the meantime I'll try the new fix. As always, thank you for the fast reply and also your great work!
  3. Not Working The Walking Dead: Our World Ver. MOD MENU APK | No struggle | No Spread | No recoil

    Thank you for your hard work. But I can't seem to install both signed and unsigned due to the package error (also both signed and unsigned). I have root access by the way.