Recent content by One4nine94

  1. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    @Yaskashije you never been that late right? Did you got a problem with new version?
  2. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    Nice, the unsigned seem like doesn't safety anymore :pepe001: i'm paid 2 banned middle accounts level 160 to be sure for that :pepe011::pepe001: time to playing another mod with less functions but safety. I'm not gonna wasting anis and helm reroll account beach party anymore, they're limited.
  3. Not Working MORTAL KOMBAT: The Ultimate Fighting Game! Ver. 5.2.0 MOD MENU APK | Damage multiplier | Defence Multiplier

    yeah my old account still there xD idk i still can climb the board with that or not :pepe007:
  4. Not Working MORTAL KOMBAT: The Ultimate Fighting Game! Ver. 5.2.0 MOD MENU APK | Damage multiplier | Defence Multiplier

    I had a cheated account that had fuse 7 and fuse X all currently character (since the slash Jason and corrupted Liukang is strongest) long time ago since the mkx is the latest. Time to remember the account and comeback maybe :pepe001: how high of ban chance this game now guys?
  5. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    A devs just taken away 1 of my middle-game account because my login mistake at unsigned apk :pepe001: be careful guys, you always at risk even login successfully because still have a tons of retar* trying to take on the board by R unit Nikke cause the devs must improve their AC to catch up to...
  6. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    Actually the devs really worked well as they should. Since the macro going public, all top 50 union finished the raid with 3 days while no macro at first and second union raid that they can't even complete the last level. And finally, the idio* whose abuse blatant cheat with baby account to show...
  7. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    After yesterday that they updated PC anti 3rd party, idk which kind of strange detection things they added. My 2 main account is playing mod normally while my reroll account just banned after finishing chapter 3 instantly. Chapter 3 recommended below my 5 SR lv 40, only campaign mode was played...
  8. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    It's really doesn't matter if your new account got banned or not. Just test for everybody here how it's can be :pepe001:
  9. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    No more du*bsh*t reach the top board with baby account and multiple reroller :pepe001:
  10. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    We're not a coder so we can't do anything about it. Surely they can easily write a cheat script for GG but it's against their rules and at least not at this forum for apk sharing :pepe001: Now nikke devs quit the key signature check to ban people so signed or unsigned apk doesn't important...
  11. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    Actually had a several way to cheat without the detected by system if phone is rooted, apk just a easiest way to use cheat and a easiest way to arrested too. I'm not a coder so just patient waiting :pepe009: i can cheating really fine with online game like cod mobile or pubg mobile (definitely...
  12. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    Big thanks to the ****** whose cheat the full potential at leaderboard on whole 5 servers :pepe001: now the devs really getting serious with cheat issue in the game. They can detecting unsigned and not allow to play a game after login. Congrats :pepe007:
  13. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    No, honestly damage. I had several account to play with 2 purpose, my day 1 account is not for cheat, i can pass every ingame content without it.
  14. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    With my 180k highest squad on my legit account with average 3 and 4 overload on every nikke. I just dealed around 2,3 billion damages at my best attempt. Hope this will help you avoid the ban :pepe001: don't cross the line too far because top 0.5% above that's for whale and much more :pepe017: