Recent content by RampageGaming

  1. Rejected Request Rage Realm - AFK RPG > Celestial Crusade - AFK RPG

    :P the socket script. (socket AS IS, for educational purpose) [IJAVASCRIPT] var __reflect = this && this.__reflect || function(t, e, n) { t.__class__ = e, n ? n.push(e) : n = [e], t.__types__ = t.__types__ ? n.concat(t.__types__) : n } , __extends = this && this.__extends ||...
  2. Rejected Request Rage Realm - AFK RPG > Celestial Crusade - AFK RPG

    :P no ones still 'cracked' this ezpzlemonsqzy game. well here's some of the variables yall would be looking for..... You can setup Microsoft Edge and use the innerhtml functions to overwite events which YOU WATCH FOR...
  3. Rejected Request Rage Realm - AFK RPG > Celestial Crusade - AFK RPG

    O.o y'all's lucky day if you don't mind playing on your computer. download link for the programs in the description. As well here. Celestial Crusader Bot Also the games in jscript. It's actually pretty easy to view the entire client side information with chrome by right clicking the game in...