Recent content by Rohimbaeka

  1. Help! how to find / hack coins via il2cpp?

    How to fix it? 🙏 MemoryPatch Coins, Keys; // etc... } hexPatches; bool coins = false; bool keys = false; // Hooking examples. Assuming you know how to write hook void (*old_AddCoins)(void *instance, int _amount); // Your function is void, so use void, not int void AddCoins(void...
  2. Help! how to find / hack coins via il2cpp?

    Can you help me with List. I don't know how to hook that ------- RVA: 0x715724 Offset: 0x715724 VA: 0x715724 public void AddCoins(int coins) { } // RVA: 0x7157B8 Offset: 0x7157B8 VA: 0x7157B8 public void AddKeys(int keys) { } // RVA: 0x7157CC Offset: 0x7157CC VA: 0x7157CC...