Recent content by rtdumm

  1. Not Working RagnaRush - R.o Mobile Ver. 5.0 - Free rewards and giveways

    nvm, only the stuff in my bag got back, the storage is empty, guess it's goodbye
  2. Not Working RagnaRush - R.o Mobile Ver. 5.0 - Free rewards and giveways

    Tried it, played for 2 days, pretty buggy, and suddenly today all my stuff gone, nothing in the bag, nothing equipped, and nothing in storage, and when I checked the storage suddenly I got 12 tickets, weird. thing is, everything looks like it's equipped in my character, I disconnected and...
  3. Not Working RagnaRush - R.o Mobile Ver. 5.0 - Free rewards and giveways

    Tried it, played for 2 days, pretty buggy, and suddenly today all my stuff gone, nothing in the bag, nothing equipped, and nothing in storage, and when I checked the storage suddenly I got 12 tickets, weird