Recent content by st4zk

  1. Tutorial Protected IL2CPP Dumping tutorial

    In mine, gameguardian creating multiple .bin files so I can't dump
  2. Help! Help Hooking IL2CPP Methods

    How can i call multiple lib thread for kittymemory ?
  3. Solved Free fire crash after adding Menu

    But can't find these offsets in il2cpp dump
  4. Help! GAME dectect menu mod LGL

    Bro, u finded bypass offset that's not mean u direct modify 00 00 00 00, find other bypass value or just freeze the default value of bypass offset.
  5. Solved Free fire crash after adding Menu

    But how to make bypass and use ?
  6. Solved Free fire crash after adding Menu

    After implementing Menu in signature killed Free fire, game crashes in login page. Plz help
  7. Help! Altering Memory Of Emulator Games

    Bro use game guardian
  8. Solved How to Hook Fields String??

    Should be like this ("tes"));
  9. Solved How to add imgui menu to APK

    Alternative I have
  10. Solved i need help about lgl mode menu 3.2

    Folder name uk.lgl.modmenu changed to in LGL src 3.2