Recent content by StayOnit

  1. Outdated Badlanders Ver. 1.2 MOD MENU | Wall Hack | Wireframe Red | Chams Green | WireFrame Yellow

    I am having a problem with the hack when I played on it I used to see thru walls and people but now it only shows them for a second and then makes them disappear so I don't really see the point of the mod after that cause now I just gotta play normally without knowing where they are the whole...
  2. Outdated Badlanders Ver. 1.2 MOD MENU | Wall Hack | Wireframe Red | Chams Green | WireFrame Yellow

    Did you get perm banned after what happened or are you still 1 month banned?
  3. Outdated Badlanders Ver. 1.2 MOD MENU | Wall Hack | Wireframe Red | Chams Green | WireFrame Yellow

    This is a good mode but i feel like some future features you could add is distance and box esp add health meter so that you know if your teamate has low health i know there is a attachment already but i feel like it would be good just incase i dont have it on my gun and reason i want you to add...