Recent content by Sunghera

  1. Help! IL2CPP Game crash when Hooking a specific Function/Method

    I'm 99.99% sure that 2188000 is a passive that can be added to enemies as well. Here's my version of the crash log:
  2. Help! IL2CPP Game crash when Hooking a specific Function/Method

    I haven't had much luck in successfully creating a new monoArray and replacing the old one with the new one within an instance. I have no problem in replacing/updating individual elements of the native int array, however the size of the array is predetermined by who the servant/character is. So...
  3. Help! Loading IL2CPP/Library Crash based on Device Speed (LGL Mod Menu)

    Currently I'm facing an issue where it occurs on different devices. For my mod menu, I usually would use this section of code to initialise: void *hack_thread(void *) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("pthread created")); do { sleep(1); } while (!isLibraryLoaded(targetLibName))...
  4. Help! IL2CPP Game crash when Hooking a specific Function/Method

    Thank you legends for finding what the issue is! I don't suppose this will be the last 8 byte function that we'll encounter, so what are some methods to circumvent this problem? Any frameworks/libs that we know of that can have the option to squeeze the hook within 8 bytes?
  5. Help! IL2CPP Game crash when Hooking a specific Function/Method

    I've tried with the LGL Menu's HOOK_LIB and BNM's BNM::HOOK but neither has worked and both will crash when this method is hooked. My Hook code: void *(*old_getClassPassive)(void *instance); void *getClassPassive(void *instance) { LOGD("Return getClassPassive"); return...
  6. Help! How Modif a GET/SET Obscured in ARMv7/ARM64v8

    What game is this? Let me have a try
  7. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    If we already have made a mod menu with the LGL Template (along with BNM), what's the simplest way to transition into a Zygisk module?