Recent content by t54trg6

  1. Help with the apk update

    I installed a server for the Hoa Chi 2 mobile game. However, I can't solve the problem with server updates. where can I register the update version in the client itself?
  2. Tool Tools Decryption and Encryption LUA & LUAC Files to Modded Cocos2dlua Games

    It's sad to hear that.. Do you happen to know how to solve this?
  3. Tool Tools Decryption and Encryption LUA & LUAC Files to Modded Cocos2dlua Games

    Thank you very much! Can you tell me how you did it?
  4. Tool Tools Decryption and Encryption LUA & LUAC Files to Modded Cocos2dlua Games it's a Hoa Chi 2 in another language. I got their lib and lua files. formula
  5. Tool Tools Decryption and Encryption LUA & LUAC Files to Modded Cocos2dlua Games

    Has anyone encountered anything like this? there is a signature, but there is no key