Recent content by TekMonts

  1. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK

    Note that it's work for different devices or ROM. I'm using same mod with my mate, for me it work, my mate not. Both phone is Mi 8, I'm using EU rom, he is Google
  2. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK Or
  3. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK

    For everyone who wants to mod this game, I don't share any mod but I can guide you guys where to mod it, use your favorite dumpper tool to get the dll, and use dns spy to get the offset. In ObjFightData class you can change almost get_xxxx to 0, this class control the monster stats, damage to...
  4. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK

    Yes, there function name get_attack(), get_defence()... In ObjFightData
  5. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK
  6. Filled Request The Legend of Neverland MOD APK

    No CD: Work God mode (Monster attack = 0): work Monster defend = 0: work Speed hack: work
  7. Tutorial Hacking Unity Games with .Net Reflector (Assembly-CSharp.dll Hacking)

    Well, I made the mod with modify the Assembly-Csharp.dll but some how it not take effect. Game: Utopia: Origin. Any ideal for this case? @DaRealPanDa @VinhThitLon
  8. Open Request Utopia: origin - play in your way

    Well, I made the mod with modify the Assembly-Csharp.dll but some how it not take effect.