Recent content by xXPSYCHOXx

  1. Open Request VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars

    The game got cracked at A.n.d.r.o.e.e.d(.)store! It works perfectly!! Waiting for the other ones to come! Cheers!
  2. Open Request VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars

    I have hope regardless! Just like trials of mana was a hard nut to crack, I do believe this will eventually have the same fate! It's a matter of time. I just hope it'll be noticeable enough so modders could actually give it a shot.
  3. Open Request VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars

    Hope it gets cracked! I want to play the trilogy so bad!
  4. Open Request VoC: The Forsaken Maiden

    Game Name: VoC: The Forsaken Maiden Google Play Store Link: APK Link: N/A (paid game) Cheat Requested: Paid game unlocked Have you tried any cheat engines?: Yes -> GameKiller...
  5. Open Request VoC: The Beasts of Burden

    Game Name: VoC: The Beasts of Burden Google Play Store Link: APK Link: N/A (paid game) Cheat Requested: Unlock Paid Game Have you tried any cheat engines?: Yes -> GameKiller...