Recent content by zulujunky

  1. OA Outdated Kinky Wizardry [18+] v0.4.1 Alpha MOD APK

    Nice Game. How do I use spacebar at the bottle throwing areas?
  2. PMT FREE MOD [18+] Shelter 69 (Nutaku) Ver. 1.6.445 MOD APK | Menu | Ressource | Cost

    Still stuck. Invasion is coming, no action possible. Invasion is not coming close enough to the balcony (not even moving). Shelter is full, so it is not possible to let 3 waiting girls in. Shelter upgrade is not possible, because of the invasion 🤷‍♂️. Bug or usually not possible situation 😎.
  3. PMT FREE MOD [18+] Shelter 69 (Nutaku) Ver. 1.6.445 MOD APK | Menu | Ressource | Cost

    Problem seems to be, that the storage is full because of the cheat. So it is not possible to craft further ElDI.
  4. OA Outdated [18+] Boobs vs Aliens (Nutaku) Ver. 1.0.8 MOD APK | Menu | Dumb Enemy | Free Upgrade | Ammo Chest | Black Market | Skip Battle

    I cannot see any skull anywhere, sorry. Even after reinstall. Where is it?