Help! game modding questions


I have a few questions I want to ask it's my first time trying to mod a certain game (暴走小蝦米) , I had kept some notes from what I edited using HxD editor.
  1. Do I need a root phone so I can use the mod? (I prefer it can be used on nonroot phones as well)
  2. Do I need to "hook" the app? (I saw something about it but not sure if I needed to or not)
  3. How do I find the right offset for things like attack, health and etc? (I'm planning to get god mode if possible)
  4. Can i do it without mod menu?
  5. is it possible to mod for unlimited gold or stamina?
Please help me if anyone wouldn't mind giving me some advice on what to do.:face26:

Mod 01: // RVA: 0x10423B8 Offset: 0x10423B8 VA: 0x10423B8
    public ActorEntity get_ToAtkActor() { } edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000
    // RVA: 0x1591E18 Offset: 0x1591E18 VA: 0x1591E18
    public int get_Shield() { } edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000
    // RVA: 0x1591DA0 Offset: 0x1591DA0 VA: 0x1591DA0
    public int get_HpCount() { } edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000 FAILED
Mod 02: // RVA: 0x82CA38 Offset: 0x82CA38 VA: 0x82CA38
    private void SetHpLength(float length) { }    edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000
    // RVA: 0x104FD5C Offset: 0x104FD5C VA: 0x104FD5C
    public static int get_ActorAtkLayer() { } edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000
    // RVA: 0x104FDF0 Offset: 0x104FDF0 VA: 0x104FDF0
    public static int get_ActorDefLayer() { } edited this offset to FA 04 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 is equals to 2,000 failed
thank you I'll keep on trying but just out of curiosity is the hex thing I'm doing right?

You can't hex patch an int hex value to a void function like you have done here...

private void SetHpLength(float length) { }

To edit the float parameter in this function you need to hook it, not hex patch
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