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  1. Help! Get text associated with a GameObject

    Hello all! I am using frida-il2cpp-bridge for an android game written in Unity/Mono. I am trying to figure out how to get the text associated with GameObjects (PlayerName, NameLabel, LevelLabel, etc.) that I can see using gc: import "frida-il2cpp-bridge"; Il2Cpp.perform(() => { const...
  2. Help! Network Traffic - Cannot bypass pinning

    Hello everyone! I am trying to retrieve player coordinates (X and Y) in a server-based RPG game called Top Heroes. The game is a strategy game where players put their bases in the map and can attack others from their base. Players can move around whenever they want. I imagine that because the...
  3. Help! Find player coordinates in map strategy game

    Hello all! I play a game that has top view of a map. Across the map players have bases and a X and Y coordinate associated with them. You can navigate the map by supplying an X and Y coordinate, or scrolling through the map. Players can teleport and move around the map when they would like. The...