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  1. Open Request My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero

    Please can a mod or admin tell us if this is ever gonna be modded?
  2. Open Request My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero

    There are many other games that are server-sided, some content is not server-sided. Like the stat of the characters and things like that. Skullgirls is server-sided, SAO is server-sided, I mean in this day and age all mobile games are server-sided. so they could protect their currency but they...
  3. Open Request My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero

    How would you know that they can't mod it?
  4. Open Request My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero

    Plz PTM, Mod this Game Please!
  5. Open Request My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero

    Is It true they can't mod it?