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  1. Not Working Love Live!School idol festival (En) Ver. 9.11 Mod Apk [Auto Dance | Perfect Play | Illegal Access detected bypass]

    Update: Veshurik's file works, so enjoy the game until it gets shut down, fellas.
  2. Not Working Love Live!School idol festival (En) Ver. 9.11 Mod Apk [Auto Dance | Perfect Play | Illegal Access detected bypass]

    Replacing original note.lua with modded version via rooted file manager doesn't work, although it will register every manual tap as a perfect tap like another user stated in a previous page. There's something more to it which hideko may have forgotten to address, this mod is basically doomed...
  3. Filled Request Love Live! School Idol Festival EN Version 6.9.0

    I have managed to replace the original note.lua file from the 6.9.0 version with the modded previous version's note.lua (AutoPlay with Perf+Great) and it was an successful task; the mod worked to me. Waiting for post approval