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  1. Rejected Request Knights of Dungeon

    Is there any update?
  2. Help! About Modding and Security

    When I make a small change on the Assembly-CSharp.dll then I can not login. I tested with sign and unsigned file.
  3. Help! About Modding and Security

    Yes, I tested rooted with patched by lp. I already checked unsigned but it didn't work.
  4. Help! About Modding and Security

    Hello G-Bo bro, Here is APK file: After the updating, I can't login anymore when I edited Assembly-CSharp.dll. I guess they changed their security system (MD5 or like this). Game server now will check the MD5 info or like this, if it's not the official...
  5. Help! About Modding and Security

    Hello, I need help about something. I started to improve myself on mobile game hacking, I managed to do the modding for various mobile games successfully. Recently an alfa testing started for a mobile game that will be released in my country. I did some trials on this game and managed to...
  6. Tutorial Bypass signature check in Assembly.Csharp.dll

    Hello, Could you please re-upload related images?