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  1. Tutorial DevX Mega Guide (OBB & Bundle Modding + More)

    How to save the .obb file after a change? I click Repack, but the program freezes
  2. Tutorial How to make external mod menu in AndLua+ (Intermediate)

    There must be a way to include Substrate on AndLua+
  3. Tutorial How to make mod menu for il2cpp and native games

    @TheLGL Would you be able to create an externally based project? Where do I need root / vmos to be able to hook into the process without having to change the integrity of the apk? I mean external modmenu
  4. Solved Decompile IDA Pro 7.2

    Mano vc tem que baixar um IDA que suporte processador tipo ARM LITTLE-ENDIAN
  5. Tutorial A Basic "License-Like" Tutorial For Native Mod (Android Studio)

    not working, same message expired too
  6. Tutorial Substrate Hooking Template for Android

    How does it works? I just need to create my hooks on the file, compile and put inside the game apk that will be automatically activated in the game? No Menu required to enable a function?
  7. Help! Help on il2cppdumper "libil2cpp"

    Ninguem aqui vai te ensinar a como dumpar lib protegida amigo... Mas eu lhe dou uma dica.. Procure pelo Github do Perfare talvez suas dúvidas sejam sanadas.