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  1. Help! Make object of a class

    Is it possible to make a object of a class? and no im not trying to use it as a instance of the class to hook Im just trying to replicate the c# function Player_player = new Player(this);
  2. Help! How to bypass the protection of the pairip verification?

    The protection checks signature, license and if im not mistaken it also checks if environment is rooted and other stuff
  3. Help! Help

    Don't hook the fields if hooking getter function works. getter function returns value from fields. setter function set value to a field. To understand more clear public int get_coin() { return this.<_coinCount>k__BackingField; } public void set_coin(int value) {...
  4. Help! Help!, How to call a void with button ?

    Does it crash or anything? Does it show the toast? I don't see mistakes here.
  5. Help! void

    No, LocalStore is NULL because it's not initialized. I suppose that you're trying to hook field in LocalStore through Update function outside the LocalStore class. To fix your hook initialize LocalStore before hooking the field void *LocalStore; //DECLARING A GLOBAL VARIABLE void...
  6. Help! Have some problems in Mod menu

    It tells you the problem. Just read
  7. Help! Help

    Log everything starting from getting entities getting their health their position. If it's all normal, then the problem is the worldtoposition.
  8. Help! Help

    provide example
  9. Help! How To Dump Call Of Duty Mobile (IOS)

    Call of duty is not a good place to start modding
  10. Help! Using monoArray not hooking it <Help>

    Output it like you normally First loop through playerlist for (int i = 0; i < players->getLength(); i++) { auto currentPlayerBeningLooped = players->getPointer(); //THE SITE WOULDN'T LET ME ADD BRACKET JUST ADD OPENING BRACKET, INT VARIABLE NAME WHICH IS 'I' AND CLOSING BRACKET auto playerName...
  11. Help! Help in hooking

    I'm losing my mind and still can't figure out how to hook this can someone help me? I tried hooking this public ArrayList AvailableGuns() {} By many methods one is monoArray<void *> *(*GunArr)(); monoArray<void *> *_GunArr)() { If (instance!= NULL) { //HOOK GOES HERE } return...
  12. Help! Filds offsets reading

    BNM works normal on aide but you can you this GitHub - kuteteen/ByNameMD: Modding (hacking) il2cpp games by classes, methods, fields names.
  13. Help! help me string hooking

    monoString *(*get_deviceUniqueIdentifier)(); //GETTING YOU DEVICE ID std::string devid = get_deviceUniqueIdentifier();
  14. Help! How to hook classes with : such as battleperformancecommandcard: basemonobehavior

    you dont need to add basemonobehaviour autobsvrd = LoadClass("", "BattlePerformanceCommandCard"); MonoBehaviour is not part of the class name it is another class
  15. Help! Using monoArray not hooking it <Help>

    Just be creative you can do a lot of stuff with the playerList Example void (*Kill)(void *instance); //LET'S SAY FOR EXAMPLE YOU HAVE A FUNCTION TO KILL void (*old_Update)(void *instance); //AND YOU ALSO HAVE UPDATE FUNCTION void Update(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) {...
  16. Solved Help in patching

    It worked thank you very much
  17. Solved Help in patching

    Still not working
  18. Solved Help in patching

    Patching dosent work when getting the offset from bnm? I also tried this #define string2OffsetFix(offset) string2Offset(std::to_string(offset).c_str()) and using that function above like this MemoryPatch::createWithHex(targetLibName, string2OffsetFix(, OBFUSCATE("00 00 A0 E3 1E...
  19. Help! Help in getting instance

    Out of topic but how do i change the prefix?
  20. Help! Help in getting instance

    It's fine now i found a function that is called every time something happens in the game in the same class as addMoney and the hook look like this void *Inst; AddMoneyExample(void *instance, int amount); void (*ExampleFunction)(void *instance, int param); // FUNCTION THAT IS CALLED EVERYTIME...
  21. Help! Help in getting instance

    Unfortunately i didnt find any update function i also tried finding a function that is called every time addmoney is called and i had bo luck. Is it possible that the instance cant be in the dump?
  22. Help! Help in getting instance

    Hello dear community, I have this code void *Inst; void (*AddMoneyExample)(void *instance, int amount); void _AddMoneyExample(void *instance, int amount) { if (instance != NULL) { Inst = instance; } AddMoneyExample(instance, amount); } It gets instance when AddMoney is...