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  1. Help! How to executed function

    i was try like this but did work! protected ObscuredInt _currentRoomID; // 0x18 // RVA: 0x1113008 Offset: 0x1113008 VA: 0x1113008 private void room_update() { } // RVA: 0x1113518 Offset: 0x1113518 VA: 0x1113518 Slot: 25 protected override void OnEnterDoorAfter() { } bool istele; int teleValue...
  2. Tutorial Android Function Hooking Tutorial

    Thanks u Plz update about string, list and ObscuredInt.
  3. Help! How to executed function

    protected ObscuredInt _currentRoomID; // 0x18 // RVA: 0x1113008 Offset: 0x1113008 VA: 0x1113008 private void room_update() { } // RVA: 0x1113518 Offset: 0x1113518 VA: 0x1113518 Slot: 25 protected override void OnEnterDoorAfter() { } bool istele; int teleValue; void(* old_UpdateRoom)(void *...
  4. Help! (200$) Help Modify Obscured types for ARM64 and libil2cpp unity3d

    Thank u very much, i try many time, befor i change it. Finaly i slove my quest. Thanks u so much ^^.
  5. Help! How to hook protected field offset

    Try this void(* old_UpdateGold)(void * instance); void UpdateGold(void*instance) { if(instance != NULL) { if(isUpdateGold) { isUpdateGold = false; *(int )(uint64_t ) instance + 0x68) = value; } } old_UpdateGold(instance); }
  6. Solved How to hook Obscured lgl mod menu

    PLZ help me with this { // Token: 0x02000017 RID: 23 [Token(Token = "0x2000012")] [Serializable] // dumpcs public struct ObscuredInt : IObscuredType, IFormattable, IEquatable<ObscuredInt>, IComparable<ObscuredInt>, IComparable<int>, IComparable { // Token...
  7. Help! (200$) Help Modify Obscured types for ARM64 and libil2cpp unity3d

    Plz help me with this: { // dumpcs public struct ObscuredInt : IObscuredType, IFormattable, IEquatable<ObscuredInt>, IComparable<ObscuredInt>, IComparable<int>, IComparable { // Token: 0x0600016F RID: 367 RVA: 0x0000212A File Offset: 0x0000032A [Token(Token =...
  8. Solved How to hook Obscured lgl mod menu

    Plz tell me how to find location??? that is Struct ObscuredInt .ctor offset
  9. Help! Returning the felds value (int)

    Plz tell me how to find instance of field offset ?
  10. Tutorial ARM64 Unity String Function Hooking LGL Menu

    Plz help me about hook string unity game my code: /* Dump:: RVA: hixx Offset: 0x1060E00 VA: 0x1060E00 private void room_update() { } // RVA: 0x10610B0 Offset: 0x10610B0 VA: 0x10610B0 Slot: 24 protected override void OnEnterDoorBefore() { } // RVA: 0x1061310 Offset...