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  1. Help! Finding class

    i have found getname class but need help find UObject ue 4.22 ,maybe someone good willing to help me, even the slightest help is needed
  2. Help! Dump with questions ARM64 Dead Target

    I'm a total noob, but is your project 64bit? if it's 32 you must change A64a:pepe008:
  3. Solved void

    Bool AddCoins; void (*old_add)(void *instance, int value); void add(void *instance, int value) { if (instance != NULL) { if (AddCoins) { old_addkeys(instance, 1000000); return; } } old_add(instance, value);
  4. Solved void

    You must add type bool like bool addcoin; and in case : add coin = boolean;break;