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  1. Help! How to hook List<string> Method ?

    Hello Friends, (Straight to the Topic) Did you guys know how to hook list<string> or list<int> method ? -> Yes, then please tell me ( I will like to know ) On the following example // RVA: 0x1781BF4 Offset: 0x1781BF4 VA: 0x1781BF4 private List<string> GetHeroById() { } Another...
  2. Hooking voids!

    Just use HOOK_LIB("lib", "offset", get_timeScale, old_timeSclae);
  3. Remove Ads mod

    Yes, but need to find correct offset like AddClaimReward or ClaimReward in void
  4. Hooking voids!

    If You are using lgl then void (*old_timeScale) (float value); void get_timeScale(float value) { if (mod) { old_timeScale(2000.00f); return; } old_timeScale(value); }
  5. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    🤨Means you have not try to use the hook.
  6. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    Did you try or just saying this By seeing. If You have try and not working then . The offset for coin is wrong
  7. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    See This Basic Hooking Tutorial - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps And You Need to Hook Like this bool coin = false; int (*old_Coin)(void *instance); int get_Coin(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (coin) { return (int) 999999...
  8. Help! Hex editor for Android

    You can use "MT Manager VIP".
  9. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    Thanks for this 😊. (But Not Working)
  10. Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given

    How to Hook this [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x671F78 Offset: 0x671F78 VA: 0x671F78 // RVA: 0x192A2DC Offset: 0x192A2DC VA: 0x192A2DC public long get_Coins() { }
  11. Help! god mode

    Hi did you know how to hook this it's has complier generator [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3506F0 Offset: 0x3506F0 VA: 0x3506F0 // RVA: 0x17480AC Offset: 0x17480AC VA: 0x17480AC public bool get_AdsDisabled() { }
  12. Help! How to hook

    Thanks but I need the second one
  13. Help! How to hook

    Hello friends can you tell me how to hook this // RVA: 0x25EB32C Offset: 0x25EB32C VA: 0x25EB32C public long get_Diamond() { } And this one // RVA: 0x2F7175C Offset: 0x2F7175C VA: 0x2F7175C private void BuyProductID(string productId) { } Or // RVA: 0x325268C Offset...
  14. Tutorial How To Make A Teleport Hack

    Any hints for finding updateplayer method
  15. Help! god mode

    It's simple bool godmode = false; bool (*old_Feature) (void *instance); bool feature(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (godmode) { return true; } } return old_Feature(instance); }
  16. Help! Hooking fields

    If you are using lgl mod menu the use this bool Health; void (*old_FunctionExample)(void *instance); void FunctionExample(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (Health) { *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x48) = 999; } } return...
  17. Help! How to hook Transform in fields

    @·҉ dollaz·҉. . Like this:- bool newgun; void (*old_Update)(void *instance); void update(void *instance){ if(instance != NULL){ if (newgun) { void newoldShotgun = *(void *)((uint64_t)instance + 0x198); } } return old_Update(instance); }
  18. Help! How to hook Transform in fields

    How to hook this? //Fields public Transform newoldShotgun; // 0x198 //Method // RVA: 0x5EB5CC Offset: 0x5EB5CC VA: 0x5EB5CC private void Update() { }
  19. Help! How to hook enum

    bool rewardtag; void (*old_BeyRewardTag) (void *instance); void reward(instance *instance){ if (instance != NULL){ if(rewardtag){ return 4; } } return old_BeyRewardTag; } Are you saying like this
  20. Solved How to use Input Value in mod menu

    @DaRealPanDa Close this too this is solve
  21. Solved How to use Input Value in mod menu

    Offset:0x987754 Public int get_gems Hook int Gems = 0; int (*old_Gems) (void *instance); int get_gems(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (Gems > 1) { return Gems; } } return old_Gems(instance); } Call hook/ hook thread...
  22. Help! How to hook enum

    This are all the method offset related to this enum
  23. Help! How to hook enum

    // RVA: 0x25A2DAC Offset: 0x25A2DAC VA: 0x25A2DAC public IList<LootRewardTags> get_RewardTag() { } public enum LootRewardTags // TypeDefIndex: 3084 { // Fields public int value__; // 0x0 public const LootRewardTags DebugReward = -10; public const LootRewardTags TutorialLoot = -1; public...
  24. Help! Field offset hooking with switch

    In full details bool Premium = false; void (*old_isPremium)(void *instance); void isPremium(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (Premium) { *(bool *) ((uint32_t) instance + 0x320) = true; } } return old_isPremium(instance); } And try to use This...
  25. Help! Hooking string offset

    I'm getting error in getRealOffset
  26. Help! Hooking string offset

    Hello friends can anyone tell me how to hook or hexpatches this // RVA: 0x25A6220 Offset: 0x25A6220 VA: 0x25A6220 public string get_BeyID() { } I'm trying to use this switch "InputText_Enter Name" or any other switch suggestions for me friends
  27. Solved Hooking

    Thanks for the help and I need to try
  28. Solved Hooking

    Can anyone can tell me how to hook this // RVA: 0x144B554 Offset: 0x144B554 VA: 0x144B554 public long get_Coins() It's in long what should I need to use int/float I like to know ..