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  1. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

  2. Outdated 勝利女神:妮姬 (GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Tw) Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    如果战力跨度太大情况下开上帝模式也没用,建议战列最高相差3万都能过。现在是只有攻击倍率,弹药量增加,上帝模式和愚蠢的敌人还能工作。防御倍率和暴击率已经失效。管理者已经很长时间没有发布过被禁止的名单说明已经不再管挂的问题了所以开什么都不会封的那么快。 If the battle force span is too large in the case of opening God mode is useless, it is recommended that the maximum difference between the war column 30,000 can be...
  3. Outdated 勝利女神:妮姬 (GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Tw) Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    经实验证明攻击倍率还是有用但是增幅不大,相比暴击率已经是失效状态所以什么时候修复暴击率或能让攻击倍率正常工作。 It has been proved by experiments that the attack multiplier is still useful, but it is lower than before. Compared with the critical hit rate, it is no longer available. Hope to fix the critical hit rate module as soon as possible or make...
  4. Outdated GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    那好吧,假如到了所有模组都失效时候我不再玩这个游戏 Well, if all mods fail I stop playing the game
  5. Outdated 勝利女神:妮姬 (GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Tw) Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    @Yaskashihe :The increase in attack rate defense rate and critical hit rate did not take effect. There is something strange about opening stupid enemies and miss can't deal damage. Please fix the mod quickly.
  6. Outdated 勝利女神:妮姬 (GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE Tw) Ver. 110.8.14 Mod Menu [God Mode | Damage & Defense Multipliers | Crit | Ammo | Dumb Enemy]

    mod does not work properly please fix >Damage Multiplier >Defense Multiplier >Increased Crit Chances