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  1. Help! How Modif a GET/SET Obscured in ARMv7/ARM64v8

    Good guestion, as far as I know not the all values can be in short ARMV7 form. You can get ARM codes here: Best ARM Converter
  2. Help! How Modif a GET/SET Obscured in ARMv7/ARM64v8

    Do you find the way how to do it? I mean hook obscured method like ObscuredInt?
  3. Help! I need help. Hooking ObscuredInt types in LGL Mod Menu

    Sorry for late reply. Basically I can't find any tips to hook something like ObscuredInt 0x12345 (offset). I only know you need to use some hook obscured fields with some Update() method like I said before. For bypass CodeStage you just need to add more NOP to your patch. Thats all. I have...
  4. Help! I need help. Hooking ObscuredInt types in LGL Mod Menu

    First of all, never call MSHook inside another hook. Second, why you're using the same featureHookToggle for each case? Meaning, even if your code would be in the right way (which I guess not), just by enabling one of your visual toggles in GUI you will call all of your 4 hooks together!!! 😯😒...