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  1. Solved How to find name Shader?

    Private message me, if you are looking for the respective tool.
  2. Help! How to patch method called void set_position(Vector3 value)

    It depends on the motive you want to use it, for example, it could be used for noclip.
  3. Help! Two values have the same offset?

    I advice you to search for tutorials on this website, since there are plenty of them, and after you seriously analyze and study, you'll automatically understand the structure of the respective game.
  4. Help! Two values have the same offset?

    As i have understood from your comment, you are trying to edit a field offset directly in the library? Well, that's probably the cause of the game crashing. Trying to modify a field offset in HxD, it's not possible, so, i suggest you to inform yourself, and study modding deeper, to understand...
  5. Help! Two values have the same offset?

    I don't know the contextual background, but, since they're existing in different classes, there shouldn't be any problem. For example, 2 classes could be identical, the same field offsets, the same type of offset, if both use a different update function, there wouldn't occur any error...
  6. Solved How to find name Shader?

    Firstly, here are some universal shaders: "_BumpMap", "unity_SHC", "unity_SpecCube0", "_MainTex", "_MainTex_ST". If none of these aren't functioning, you can use the tool named "Unity game-controller".
  7. Solved Can't Call MSHOOK FUNCTION

    Yeah, because you misspelt "MSHook" and didn't include the library. Just replace your code, with the one that i have provided
  8. Solved Can't Call MSHOOK FUNCTION

    MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress("", 0x00000), (void *) GameMode_Update, (void **) &old_GameMode_Update);