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  1. Not Working AdVenture Communist Ver. 6.28.0 MOD APK | Card Cost | Upgrade Cost | Higher Income

    I tried, but I have no experience... Decompiled it, followed the guide for kotlin games, tried to change the hex for get_gold and set_gold to be very high, and it did nothing...I suspect it's much more complex than that, given that much of the game is server-side. Edit: saw someone in the...
  2. Not Working AdVenture Communist Ver. 6.28.0 MOD APK | Card Cost | Upgrade Cost | Higher Income

    Any chance of adding a gold mod as well? Research capsules could cost 1g and the gold rewards could be increased. Currently I'm at rank 96 and had to exhaust almost all my card upgrades for "spend x science" and "upgrade x cards" missions, and progress has slowed down to a crawl.