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  1. Tutorial How to root Virtual Master & install Xposed

    Can it be used to use a zygisk mod running at host? Possible if the game needs to have integrity check enabled?
  2. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    Maybe there is also a resize event you can listen for. Not sure. Try to move that DisplaySize calculation out of the setupFunction to be sure it scaled correctly all the time. eglQuerySurface(dpy, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &glWidth); eglQuerySurface(dpy, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &glHeight)...
  3. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    Has anyone managed to prevent clicks from going through the ImGui menu to the application? I have tried it with the following code. Unfortunately, this completely prevents the clicks from going to the application. Instead, the ImGui menu snaps to the place where I "swipe". HOOKAF(void, Input...
  4. Help! il2cpp c++ creating generics

    Sorry misspelled my discordName: pete.spencer
  5. Help! il2cpp c++ creating generics

    mIsmanXP Do you have discord? discord: pete.specer
  6. Help! il2cpp c++ creating generics

    That looks awesome and really helpful. Will give you feedback later. Thank you very mich for sharing!
  7. Help! il2cpp c++ creating generics

    Ohhhhhh.. okay will give it a try! Thanks!! <3
  8. Help! il2cpp c++ creating generics

    Hey, I am new to GameHacking and new to c++. So possibly I am just not good enough to understand whats going on. The goal: The game I am trying to mod is full of protobufs. One often used types is Google.protobuf.Collections.RepeatedField I want to create a new working instance of a...
  9. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    It doesn't try to inject, because it can't find the package. I am sure that the packageName is correct. I am debugging it with frida and get it out of the deteils of the app itself. I was wondering, why the inject does not work, so I add some more output to see whats going on. int...
  10. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    I have one more question. When I attempt to locate my game, it doesn't get hooked into the system. Upon starting, I see the following message: 'appDataDir: /data/user/0/' instead of the package name. Can games avoid being found in this location? The app info...
  11. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    Windows Line-Separator are causing issues installing the mod: In the Guide for Magisk-Modules is described, that it only can handle UNIX(LF) line breaks You can convert a whole project by `File -> File Properties -> Line Separators -> Lf - Unix and macOs`
  12. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    Ok, The first failing tries are compiled with my windows pc. Now used my mac at same codebase and same settings and now it worked :/ Don't know wrong zip? Another logic of cmake? If I tried to copy the files to my windows, its becomes removed by windows defender. lol Maybe it doesn't like the...
  13. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    idk. I made a branch and reset it to the active repo one. Keep everything as is, except the packageName to inject. (To be sure there isn't anything completely stupid I did). But can still be the reason why it is not working. I also can't find anything else in the logs. Tested to install another...
  14. Tutorial How to Create Zygisk MOD Menu

    Can't get it running on my S10+ Magisk 26.3 Zygisk enabled. The Installation failed without any helpful output. Some ideas? :/