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  1. Help! Loading IL2CPP/Library Crash based on Device Speed (LGL Mod Menu)

    Currently I'm facing an issue where it occurs on different devices. For my mod menu, I usually would use this section of code to initialise: void *hack_thread(void *) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("pthread created")); do { sleep(1); } while (!isLibraryLoaded(targetLibName))...
  2. Help! IL2CPP Game crash when Hooking a specific Function/Method

    I've tried with the LGL Menu's HOOK_LIB and BNM's BNM::HOOK but neither has worked and both will crash when this method is hooked. My Hook code: void *(*old_getClassPassive)(void *instance); void *getClassPassive(void *instance) { LOGD("Return getClassPassive"); return...