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  1. Solved How can I unlink enemy-shared functions in IDA Pro? (not il2cpp game)

    Yes, I agree you are right I should have really got Codejutsu to add me to your PM for that I apologize, I lost my old login here hence I asked him to message you for the game name to your OP when you first made it then checked the game and sent Codejutsu the code to send to you. I am not...
  2. Solved How can I unlink enemy-shared functions in IDA Pro? (not il2cpp game)

    Im good friends with CodeJutsu, the code he sent you I wrote and I debugged the Street Fighter IV with Cheat engine since codejutsu was busy, you said it to him in PM, you know you did. Codejutsu was real with you and you found it condescending. would you prefer he strung you along forever?
  3. Solved How can I unlink enemy-shared functions in IDA Pro? (not il2cpp game)

    @Sami1980 Im sorry but if you think codejutsu saying you need to learn C++ to be able to mod native properly is condescending then you are kidding yourself, its just a fact of what cheat making is... you want to modify code you need to know how to code, same way as if you want to modify a car...