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  1. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    When you're searching for the stat value. Look at the blue values with D at the end.
  2. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Here's how to actually get infinite gold and stats. I got this information from Dark, you can thank him. You need GameGaurdian; select memory range Others, click search and use DWORD and enable encrypted value. You need to find gold first to change stats. After dream prologue, go to the...
  3. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Everybody and them moms knew how to get the paid version, we trynna get infinite xp and gold
  4. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    You are an Ls man 🤦‍♂️
  5. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    That's fine. I've been waiting for a year, a few days is nothing. I appreciate it man.
  6. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Is it possible for you to record it and send me the vid or post on yt please
  7. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Can you explain to me more in-depth, I can't get it to work
  8. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Bro I didn't think it was possible for this game to be hacked. Can you please tell me where you got the instructions from or tell me in-depth explanation please
  9. Open Request Eldrum: Red Tide - Text RPG

    Do you know if it'll work in any VM? I'm using F1 VM