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  1. Solved How to Hook int[] ?

    a lot on github. just google
  2. Help! Set own Strings for Cases

    you can use input text in lgl menu
  3. Help! Failed to load IL2CPP error

    looks like il2cpp have more bytes than it should. check carefully if u replacing codes and not pasting it
  4. Solved How to find shaders / logshaders ?

    open logs when u started game with chams source.
  5. Help! How to find instance

    напиши в личные сообщение, потом сам человеку объяснишь
  6. Help! How to find instance

    не так
  7. Help! How to find instance

    instance просто указываешь как параметр и просто на него забиваешь. но в данном случае тебе нужно вызывать update, который вызывается в игре каждое обновление кадра и там вызывать метод addcoins, взяв instance из update
  8. Help! How to find instance

    instance in examples like lgl is pointer on class where method that u hooking placed. No need to find offset :pepe002:
  9. Solved Help me hook this I want to learn

    Just hook one void 3 times with different offset. Btw i dont think that these methods will work for you
  10. Help! Hooking string inside void

    playerSendChat(CreateString("msg"), false, false); this should work. Maybe wrong offset of sendMessage or CreateString method
  11. Solved help me hook monoDictionary

    Never used it but looks like pointers on screenshot not correct
  12. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    its old post and already removed but i have ss in YT community
  13. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    i explained my full algorytm i used to do skeletons in FA. now your turn. just do it
  14. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    if u can draw boxes u can also do skeletons. i cant help
  15. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    u should firstly convert every world bone point to screen point and only then connect it
  16. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    i dont know. i just said algorytm that i used to make esp skeleon. u wrong somewhere
  17. Solved Lgl Mod Menu Delete

    create new post in thread
  18. Solved Lgl Mod Menu Delete

    try select and press delete:pepe001:
  19. Dump Apex Legends Mobile esp offsets

  20. Help! How to make esp skeleton for Unity?

    u should get position of bones in world, convert it to screen position and connect using lines. in every game its different because there is no default unity class with bones
  21. Help! GAME dectect menu mod LGL

    i working on codm. it some harder to bypass apk lol
  22. Help! How do I modify a UI/Menu?

    you shouldn't use LGL if you can't figure out where the width for the menu is set. You should ask simpler and more understandable questions, no one will write to you now how to set up imgui, you have to figure it out yourself lol
  23. Help! Chams not showing?

    you dont know what you doing. how we can help you?
  24. Help! How to update offsets without dump?

    so we back to first question. How guy can get standoff 2 dump by himself?